NFC tag products
There are two different NFC tag products available from Infineon: plain and secured NFC tags. Both offer customizable solutions and can be adapted to meet individual product requirements.
Key features
- Contactless communication technology
- Two NFC tag options available, including plain and secured
- For the secured identification and authentication of products and accessories
- Supported by NFC (near field communication) enabled iOS and Android
- Allows for consumer engagement applications
- NFC Forum certification
- Individually customizable
- Multiple user memory options for NDEF data storage
Secured NFC Tags
Infineon secured NFC tags store user data in standardized NFC data exchange format (NDEF) to allow for contactless identification processes, customer engagement applications, and the secure authentication of products and accessories. Applications can be customized and built by the user to ensure product compatibility with near field communication enabled Android and iOS smartphones. NFC Secured Tags
Secured NFC smart tags are built around the CIPURSE™ open-standard security architecture, which is based on robust cryptography. This ensures for attack-resistant communication between the initiator and the target tag, thus making it difficult for counterfeiting or cloning tags.
Plain NFC Tags
Due to their low cost and small footprint, plain NFC smart tags from Infineon can be conveniently used to embed near field communication into mass market consumer goods and applications. NFC contactless tags can be used to create an interactive and engaging experience for consumers with the simple tap of their smartphone.
The Infineon NFC chip used in plain NFC tags can be uniquely configured by the user to allow for full product compatibility. Plain NFC solutions can be used with open memory access or password protected access which is controlled by authentication procedures. Non-secure NFC tags offer a rewritable memory for simple reconfiguration, or they can be locked to prevent further changes. They also offer a unique serial number and anti-tearing support. TYPE2 TAGS
DESFire EV3, Plus EV2, Classic, Ultralight,Ultralight C, SAM AV3, NXP JCOP41 , SmartMX, NTAG 424 DNA
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